lørdag 30. juli 2016

Welcome home! (introducing my primary base)

Hi everyone!

So for the first post in my quest to tell the story of my survival world, I decided to focus on the most essential and key parts of my survival world, that being the very heart and core of it all: My primary base, storage facility, mine, secondary observation deck, and the first tree farm I ever built, the latter of which remains a vital part of my everyday activities in my survival world.

View of my primary base from my bridge. On the right hand side we can see my tree farm which currently supplies my world with birch wood, and in the middle of the shot we can see my secondary observation deck which in the early days of my world served as a waypoint I could see when exploring the fresh lands around my base. It has later lost much it's former use, but still serves as a observation deck. Just underneath the observation deck, covered in protective cobblestone and "hidden" away (or used to be hidden away in it's earlier days), there, you can find my primary base. 
Let's start off with my primary base. When I first started to play Minecraft, I was a noob, and had no experience whatsoever with builds in Minecraft. So what I ended up doing during my first day in Minecraft, was I found a naturally generated cave, cealed of the lower bottom of it, and carved my home into it's entrance. This, was my first establishment and the place I spent my first night and second day in before I was able to gather enough resources to build what now resides on top, that being a small and simple square house. It was originally built in wood and had only 2floors, each floor being 2blocks high, but after reading on the wiki that wood could burn down if hit by lightning, I decided to cover my base in cobblestone just in case so as to avoid it burning to the ground.

The entrance to my primary base as it appears today. During special occassions the walls here will be covered in banners in all kinds of colors, depending on the occassion.
In the early days of my survival world, I lacked the experience and will to fight the hostile mobs that lurked around my base, and I did not want to walk far away from my base and running the risk of starving to death, as I had no idea how to gather food. Yes, I was that noobish back in the old days of my world. The only food I knew about was bread, and the wheat took forever to mature, so I had to conserve as much energy as I possibly could and walk as little as possible. On day 3, I therefor ended up making a run for it and collected enough sand to smelt the glass I needed to build a small and simple greenhouse, taking the shape of a glass cube with oak wood as it's framing. This, was what would turn into my first tree farm when I finally sorted my food situation out properly. Due to my paranoia of being stalked by creepers and other mobs, I ended up connecting my tree farm to my base through the use of an above-ground tunnell, which made it possible for me to harvest wood and access my tree farm without having to go out into the outdoors. Though this tunnell has later turned into more of a hinder rather than something useful, it has been able to survive to this day and it's still used, though rarely now that I have built a proper walkway system. As I stockpiled on resources, I began running out of resources, and had to expand my base with a small warehouse. With how paranoid I was about being stalked by creepers, I ended building my warehouse directely connected to my base, and have it hover in midair so as to save down on ground floor. Without knowing it back than, I had set the stage for what would later turn into my signature build in Zurvival, that being my supermassive base, built 98% in midair.

A view from inside my mine which is located underneath my primary base. 
As time passed, I soon began expanding my base, and over the two years that have passed, I have expanded my primary base to encompass a tree farm, cow and sheep farms, an automated smeltery, and my most recent addition; a massive warehouse which will store all my future resources and items. The mine underneath my base also serves as an extension to the base itself, seeing that it has turned into more of a caving project over the years rather than just for mining purposes. My base also features a two laned transportation system via minecarts, which takes you to the rest of my survival world, though it has not been expanded properly yet with the two lanes.

My automated smeltery. It runs on lava and will automatically smelt resources. Because it's located inside my spawn chunks, it will constantly smelt resources on it's own, no matter how far away I go. As long as I'm in the Overworld and it has enough fuel and stuff to smelt, it will run without the need for me to replenish any of the resources. 

My primary base will be shown a significant bit of attention in the nearest future, seeing that my current major project, my new warehouse, are being constructed just behind it. My warehouse will be connected to my primary base, and will be accessed through entering the base and than the warehouse itself. I am currently also planning to add a conveyor belt of hoppers so that I can transport resources from my mines to my base, but we're talking long-term plans as I do not have the resources required for such an extensive operation to be undertaken.

See you around in the next post, so please do stay tuned :)!

- Mattias.

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