lørdag 30. juli 2016

Secondary blog

Did you know? I do have a secondary blog as well :D! This blog, Shaunogvenner, will post mainly Minecraft related posts yes, but it's not exclusively Minecraft, which does mean there will be offtopic posts for those of you who are here just for the Minecraft posts. I am happy to say that you can visit my secondary blog at http://theworldofzurival.blogspot.no/ if you wish to see just Minecraft related posts. Shaunogvenner, that being this blog, was started back in 2010 as a blog which would mainly discuss Panfu, a website which has gone into a terrible decline recently. Now that I have lost the original topic I used to discuss on my blog, I have decided to take some drastic measures to reengage my blog, as I have been extremely inactive. I therefor have two blogs, so that I may discuss everything I may want on this blog, and than keep TheWorldofZurvival strictly Minecraft-related.

Hope to see you all over there, and maybe even on this blog as well, as that would be super-awesome :D! The posts which handles my Minecraft world will be posted on both blogs, so you can freely choose which one you prefer to read.

- Shaun, aka Mattias.

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